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The Spiritual Element of Racism

I already know this is going to go over a lot of people’s heads and I’m going to get a plethora of eye rolls and criticism for what I’m about to say. But one of the biggest lies we’ve been told is that demonic energy is not at work unless someone’s head is spinning around like a scene from a horror movie. Demonic activity can look like that, but it can also look like taking humans from their homeland and shipping them to the Americas like cattle. It looks like raping women, men and children and forcing them to have orgies for entertainment on plantations (Yes, that actually happened, and more often than you think). It looks like strange fruit hanging from trees all over the south. It looks like those screaming nigger, and wetback, and Jap, and chink, and terrorist to justify despicably evil actions. It looks like the laws and structures of society that have allowed certain groups of people to be oppressed for centuries. It looks like the death of Alton Sterling.

Racism, at its very core, is demonic and it’s time to start addressing it as such. I am not denying that racism has complex legal and social implications nor am I saying that we don’t need to continue fighting in those areas, because we do. However, we can no longer ignore the spiritual elements at play. What’s going on is just as much a spiritual war, as it is a political, social and economic one.

With that being said, it’s time to start seriously consulting the spiritual realm as we go forward. I’m a Christian, so I can speak from that perspective. I’m praying without ceasing for the protection and strength of my people. I’m binding and casting the demonic forces at work back to the pits of hell in the name of Jesus. If you are a Christian, especially if you are a black Christian, I suggest you start doing the same. Interestingly enough, I’ve yet to go to a church vigil or service dealing with racism where this was actively done. We’re usually too busy praying lofty prayers about forgiving our enemies and having mercy on oppressor’s souls. Too busy trying to be cute, instead of asking for what we really need. We don’t need any more hope or forgiveness. God been heard those prayers because, considering what we’ve been through, we are already the most hopeful and forgiving people on this planet. What we need is protection from the demonic forces that have been trying to destroy our people for hundreds of years. What we need is the Almighty to act on our behalf, not someday, but today. We need to access the authority we’ve been given through Jesus Christ to bind up and cast out anything that seeks to steal, kill and destroy us. One of the biggest mistakes that Christians have made is putting the cart before the horse and praying for racist people, without praying against the spirits that use those people. People can be forgiven, but demons cannot. Let’s be clear, ain’t no mercy in heaven or hell for evil spirits. We cannot get so caught up on forgiving and loving on people that we forget to wage war on the demonic forces attacking us. Don’t get me wrong those things are necessary and essential for our healing, as a people, but one without the other gets us nowhere.

Now if you’re not a Christian, I’m not leaving you out. I suggest you do whatever you need to do to access and petition your higher power, ancestors, energy, etc. for the protection of our people and the destruction of any negative and evil force that comes against us. Burn your sage. Meditate. Pray. Vibrate higher. Do whatever you need to do. And do it without ceasing. Along with the protests. Along with the articles we write. Along with the lobbying. All I’m saying is, focus on the spiritual, just as much as we do on the physical and watch things start to shift.

Ayesha Curry and Respectable Hoes

So let’s talk about how the very people that were singing Ayesha Curry’s praises a few weeks ago and making countless memes telling women to be just like her, have turned on her since she’s been too outspoken for their liking during the Finals. This is a VERY valuable lesson on why women shouldn’t feed into the “respectable” woman vs. hoe dichotomy that society tries to place us in and use to pit us against one another. Even the most “respectable” woman will get treated like a hoe when she steps out of line.
Let me say that again.
Even the Ayesha Currys of this world will get treated like hoes when they step out of line.

That’s because the dichotomy of the “respectable” woman vs. the hoe is extremely subjective and is ultimately a false reality. It’s used to keep women from stopping the mistreatment of other women by convincing them that the women that get labelled as hoes are deserving of mistreatment because they aren’t respectable enough to receive it. It misleads “respectable” woman into thinking their actions, attire, and attitude have earned them the respect that they should have been getting in the first place. What many “respectable” women fail to realize is there’s no woman on the face of this earth that’s immune to being degraded and disrespected. Not one. Not even the ones lauded as being perfect examples of womanhood. And that’s the fallacy of the “respectable” woman/hoe dichotomy. There’s no true safety for any woman in a hyper-masculine, patriarchal society.

Whether you’re a hoe or a housewife.

A prostitute or a virgin.

A stripper or a surgeon.

You are not immune or exempt from degradation. Your choice to cover up will not exonerate you. Your low body count will not protect you. Your ability to cook will not save you.
So here’s the lesson: protect your sisters NO MATTER WHAT. No matter the circumstances. No matter if you think she’s “respectable” enough. No matter if you categorize her as a “respectable” woman or a hoe. Defend her with your all, at all times. When you see men or other women attacking women who aren’t “respectable” enough, for what ever reasons, SHUT IT DOWN! When you see those posts about “How many women still cook?” and “Which one of you women have only slept with one man this year?”, stop. Before you jump on there saying, “I can throw down!” and “I only been with 1 man since I was 16” eager to feel good about meeting someone’s imaginary standards for “respectable” womanhood, take a moment to realize you’re supporting the very misogyny that will one day crush you when you no longer fit those subjective standards.Trust, if it happened to Ayesha, baby girl, it can and will happen to you, too.

*From my Facebook page. Posted 6.19.16*

Email McKinney PD


I just sent out emails to every single person on this list. There’s nothing wrong with speaking your mind on social media, but also take the time to let the people with the power to do something about this incident know how you feel, too. When you send out the email, be clear, concise and make sure you’re not too emotional while you’re writing. For anybody who wants to send emails but aren’t sure how to or can’t find the words, here’s my letter. Feel free to use it as a starting point or copy word for word:
“To Whom It May Concern:

I am writing in regard to the incident involving McKinney police officers and teenagers attending a pool party on Friday, June 5, 2015. The videos of the incident that have recently emerged via social media during the past few days have been disturbing, to say the least. Videos from the incident show officers racially profiling minority teenagers present, as well as, Officer Eric Casebolt slamming an African-American, teenaged girl to the ground.

While I applaud the swift action taken to place Officer Casebolt on administrative leave until the investigation of this incident is completed, this action is simply not enough for Officer Casebolt’s horrendous actions towards a minor. I am urging you to terminate Officer Casebolt immediately to ensure that he never has another opportunity to abuse any other citizens in McKinney. I am also urging you to ensure that all other officers receive discipline for their roles in the incident on Friday. Racial profiling should never be behavior that is exercised by any officer, and allowing a fellow officer to use excessive force should not be behavior accepted by any officer on your force. Each and every officer involved should be swiftly and strongly reprimanded for their unacceptable and unprofessional behavior. Moving forward, I also suggest that your police department take immediate actions to better train police officers. Training that focuses on dealing with citizens, particularly minority citizens, in nonthreatening and appropriate ways should be implemented.

It is my hope that the McKinney Police Department will serve as an example to police departments around the nation by dealing with reprehensible behavior of its officers in a professional manner. It is also my hope that the McKinney Police Department will take this opportunity to prove to countless citizens across this nation, who have lost trust in law enforcement, that the police are truly here to protect and serve its citizens and will reprimand and/or terminate any officers who do not.


(Your Name Here)”

Also, the phone number for the ‪#‎McKinney‬ PD is 972-547-2700 in case you want to call and leave a message. Let’s put that pressure on them and let them know that we’re not tolerating police brutality in McKinney or any other city.

J’s On My Sociological Feet: A Social Observation of a Harlem Jordan Sneaker Release

Great piece!

Devon Wade (dwadephd)

Devon Wade

Photo May 23, 17 41 40I’m not a big Jordan wearer, but every now and again, I’ll cop me a pair of classics. Growing up, I was surrounded by a community of “Sneakerheads” with my brothers and cousin being the foremost embracers of the title. As a result, I’ve always been curious about the process of consumption around sneakers – especially around the infamous Jordan’s and it’s interaction with race. So last night, as I stood in line for the new Jordan 11 Low Bred’s that I really wanted, I naturally went into sociologist mode and became a participant observer LOL. Hey, what can I say! Y’all know me… So here are a few things I observed:

  1. Many of the people, particularly adults, are highly aware of the social judgment and stigmatization that occurs as onlookers gaze while passing as they wait in the long line out front of the stores. This stigmatization…

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What If?

Let me say this to help put some things about the Baltimore protesting into perspective…

What if a woman was being beaten by her husband day-in and day-out?

What if she tried time and time again to talk to him, politely asking him to stop?

What if she tried to alter her behavior to keep from provoking him?

What if she tried to find an escape but saw no way out?

What if, no matter what she did, the beatings just wouldn’t stop.

What if one day, she went off on him and went upside his head, would you be mad at her?

No, of course not. You know that when someone is backed into a corner and has tried all other resources to avoid conflict, it’s only going to be so long before they fight back. What we’re seeing right now, in Baltimore, is the equivalent of a battered woman fighting back and saying, “No more!” People ask why they’re resorting to violence, but what other options do they and most of Black America have at this point to be heard and to make the senseless violence that has been perpetrated on us stop?

Do you know how many years people of African descent have begged and pleaded to be treated humanely?

Do you know how many of us have gotten law degrees and gone into government to pass laws and legislation to protect ourselves?

Do you know how many decades parents have lectured their children to remain peaceful, and be respectful and “respectable” enough so that we don’t get gunned down in the streets?

Do you know how many times pastors and community leaders have encouraged us to uphold to standards that Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. set for us, inspite of the inhumane treatment we receive?

Black Americans have been backed into a corner by the senseless violence and abuse that we face and for so long we’ve been trying every other possible resource to avoid conflict. What you’re witnessing now are people so tired of being beaten down, and feeling that they have no other recourse, they’re finally fighting back. I hate that it has to resort to this, but I can’t be mad at the people of Baltimore right now, just like I wouldn’t be mad at a battered woman fighting for her life.

Police are killing Native Americans at an alarming rate — so why isn’t anyone talking about?



There are 5.1 million American Indians and Alaska Natives in the U.S. as of 2011, significantly fewer than the country’s 45 million black Americans (as of 2013). But like black Americans, indigenous people are killed by law enforcement officers at rates that far outstrip their share of the population.

While #BlackLivesMatter evolved into a national rallying cry for racial justice over the summer, a largely overlooked #NativeLivesMatter movement has been quietly galvanizing activists as well. Few mainstream outlets report on it, but the indigenous blogosphere and Twitterverse abound with horror stories, not the least of which is that six Native men and women were killed by police in November and December alone.

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An Open Letter From Assata

Very interesting read.

Frontlines of Revolutionary Struggle

My name is Assata Shakur, and I am a 20th century escaped slave. Because of government persecution, I was left with no other choice than to flee from the political repression, racism and violence that dominate the US government’s policy towards people of color. I am an ex-political prisoner, and I have been living in exile in Cuba since 1984.

I have been a political activist most of my life, and although the U.S. government has done everything in its power to criminalize me, I am not a criminal, nor have I ever been one. In the 1960s, I participated in various struggles: the black liberation movement, the student rights movement, and the movement to end the war in Vietnam. I joined the Black Panther Party. By 1969 the Black Panther Party had become the number one organization targeted by the FBI’s COINTELPRO program. Because the Black Panther Party…

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Modern Day Lynchings

It’s finals week for me and I’m coming to the conclusion of my first semester as a seminary student.  I’m currently in the midst of writing a paper about the Black Church’s response (or lack thereof) to police brutality in the Black community. Sadly, I’m coming to the conclusion that what has been happening to Black bodies is intentional and meant to send a clear message. What we have been seeing with the deaths, non-indictments, and lack of justice for Black people are modern-day lynchings. Historical sources, studies of the police and legal materials have shown that the police brutality takes place today in minority communities is sociologically and historically related to lynching. Historically speaking, lynchings were meant to send messages. These acts were far more than the murder of one Black person, they were a tool used to control the entire Black population. Lynchings were meant to maintain a social order, and to constantly remind Blacks that they would never have the freedom and equality that whites did. Lynchings weren’t about the victim being guilty or innocent, they were about turning the victim into a symbol that sent a message to the Black community. Seeing a Black person hanging from a tree, was a reminder to every Black person that no matter what they achieved, how polite they were, or how educated they were they would never be granted the same dignity and protection under the law as whites. The message that is being sent now through police brutality is the same message that was being sent through lynchings. The deaths of Blacks at the hands of the police and vigilantes like George Zimmerman, are not about whether their victims were guilty or innocent. If it were, they would have let it be handled by a court of law, which is where guilt and innocence is decided (or supposed to be) in this nation. These deaths were meant send a message to the Black community. No matter what you achieve, no matter how polite you are, not matter how educated you are, or how many times a Black man gets elected as President, you will never be granted the dignity and protection that whites have under the law. It’s just disheartening to see that even after all of the “progress” that’s been made with race relations in our country, that we’re still essentially fighting the same issues all over again.

Take All the Time You Need To


How can anyone or any community heal and move forward unless they’re given the space and time to grieve? People always question why African-Americans still are “stuck” on race issues, without realizing that crying out about the very real injustices that our people have faced and continue to face, that protesting, rioting and boycotting are our ways of grieving. Grief is not a process that can be rushed through. It’s not something you can just “get over” and move on from like nothing happened. It’s a process that takes time to go through. It’s time that we stop trying to justify our griving process to those who’ve never been through the systematic and continuous pain that we’ve been through as a community. It’s time that we grieve how we need to, for as long as we need to, so we can heal as a community and find ways to move forward.